Sunday, July 31, 2005
Joint JD/MBA Degrees a Bad Idea?
Getting a joint degree most likely requires a full-time commitment that will not be reimbursed by an employer, so a student most likely will need to decide if the additional education is worth making the additional personal investment.
The article notes that not only may a second degree not be beneficial, it may even be detrimental to a job search, because potential employers may percieve as dual degree holders as not being sure about which field they desire to pursue.
Santa Clara University offers a dual JD/MBA degree from its Leavey School of Business and School of Law. In my five years at SCU, I never was on a team with anyone pursuing a dual degree, so I don't think it is that common for students to go for that option. So for a particular postion that could use both JD and MBA skills, having the dual degree could be a major and rare edge. Just how common these types of positions are is the important question.
Here's the article in Vault: Ask Anna: Are Two Degrees Better Than One?
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
SCU MBA Graduation Commencement Map

(Click image for a closer view.)
This is a map that I shared with those whom I invited to my graduation commencement on June 10, 2005.
All you need to do is to save this image to your hard drive, then edit it using any image editing program.
Microsoft Paint, which is included with every Windows computer, will do the job. You can usally find Microsoft Paint by navigating the Start menu: Programs/Accessories/Paint
Monday, July 25, 2005
SCU MBA Professor Feedback
For student feedback about professors, there are a number of resources available on four Yahoo! Groups. You'll need to join each group to see the professor reviews within the group's database and messages.
After registering for these groups, you'll find on the homepage of each group a link labeled "Database". Click on this link to view a list of tables, among which is a professor feedback table.
In these Yahoo! Groups, most likely many emails have already been written about a professor in question. To search all of the previous messages sent within a Yahoo! Group, click on the "Messages" link on the home page of a particular group. On the "Messages" page find the field labeled "Search", then fill in the last name of a professor and click "Go" to receive a list of all messages posted about that professor. You may want to refine your query by entering both the professor name and the class number (e.g. "Fox 551" for Dr. Karen Fox's MKTG 551 class).
The SCU MBA office also posts composite student feedback from end of quarter surveys. This information is only available from the campus network's intranet. This means that you can't look up the information over the Internet; you'll have to check the reviews at school by plugging your computer into a network jack or logging into one of the computer labs on campus.For the capstone course, IDIS 619, please see SCU MBA Capstone Course (IDIS 619) Advice where you'll find my take on the class, as well as instructions for finding useful information at
Rate My Professors is another resource for professor reviews.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
SCU MBA Capstone Course (IDIS 619) Advice
> 1. How was the course workload (Madsen Vs. Palmer Vs. Leidecker)?
I just took the class with Professor Madsen. The workload is manageable as long as you keep up with the assignments. Hopefully you won't have any personal or work crises to disrupt your coursework; otherwise it's difficult to catch up.
> 2. Assuming that you are working full time, is it advisable to take
> Capstone by itself or is it manageable to take another course along
> with it?
I recommend taking Capstone by itself, since it is a lot of work. The workload was heavy and intense, but doable. I only took Capstone, but some of my classmates took multiple classes, and not only survived, but did very well. Not to say that it wasn't stressful on them.
> 3. Learning from what all core courses was used for the
> Capstone paper?
I believe MGMT 503 and MKTG 553 are definitely used. What else? I think what's most important is to know what is expected but NOT reviewed very deeply: financial analysis. Make sure you have at least one financial guru in your group who has taken some financial electives and/or uses financial analysis at work. Two gurus are better, so that if one makes a mistake, the other might catch it. Without financial gurus, you may find yourself spending a lot of time digging through your old textbooks and notes (if you still have them) trying to remember how to do all of those calculations. I suppose MGMT 503 knowledge could be leveraged for talking about the management within an organization and organizational structure. While I learned about Porter's Five Forces model in MKTG 553 and other classes, Professor Madsen goes much deeper into the advanced usage of the tool than any other class I took. Don't worry about reviewing it; she'll spend plenty of time teaching you the way that she wants you to use it. Be sure to ask questions. For example, it can get a little confusing remembering if a score of 1 is a good or bad thing for a company (you'll see what I mean when you go through it).
> 4. What all electives do you recommend should be taken
> prior to taking capstone?
As mentioned above, hopefully at least one or two people in your group have some financial electives under their belt so that they haven't forgotten as much as others may have about financial analysis. Otherwise, I think it's best to have a diverse group. So take any electives, and try to get in a group in which everyone hasn't taken the same electives as you. I can tell you that some of my Information Systems electives did not come into use at all in this class. But I don't regret taking them, as they were useful classes. I wouldn't recommend picking electives to prepare for Capstone. Just pick a smart, diverse group with a strong work ethic and you'll do very well! (Maybe easier said than done?)
> 5. How was your team forming process & experience?
Short, but useful. We all met as a group for the first time at the end of the quarter party right before the class started, and had one dinner meeting after that. Those two meetings were sufficient for us. I had Professor Heineke for Econ 401 the quarter previous to Capstone, which required my complete focus, so I wasn't even thinking about Capstone once I was on a team. Heineke was keeping me plenty busy before Capstone, and I have no regrets that we didn't meet earlier. Capstone is tough, but it's all doable within a quarter.
>6. Did you use or yahoogroups for the project?
Our team used and found it to be useful. It has a few quirks and a little bit of a learning curve, but overall was very useful. It was nice not having to worry about file attachment size limits or total storagelimits.
> 7. Would it be possible to share your Capstone papers
> with the group? If yes, please upload your papers @
I'll have to check with my group. Also, I don't know if I advise looking at Capstone papers far in advance. Just know that it will be a lot of work, and that the professor (at least Madsen) will give you a sample of what is considered a good paper. As I've mentioned above, the class is all doable within a quarter. I think people could be overstressing themselves getting too prepared for the class. I'm glad I had Heineke the quarter before to keep me focused on the class in front of me. Otherwise, I might have been preparing for Capstone a quarter in advance (due to the verbal and email scare stories I've heard and read before), and would have gained little if any benefit. If everyone starts preparing a quarter in advance, then those wanting an edge for the Belotti award might start preparing two quarters in advance. Next thing you know, people will be researching Capstone companies before they submit their application for the MBA program! (OK, I exaggerate. Maybe) I humbly suggest for the health of everyone involved that the madness be nipped in the bud. Starting work on the Capstone class in the break before the Capstone quarter is reasonable (required for Madsen since an assignment is due the first day of class), but don't go overboard by not giving your previous quarter's classes your full attention because you're worrying about and working on preparing for Capstone (One exception: It is a good idea to find a team far in advance, maybe a quarter or two at least).
> Any other tips or advice would be very useful.
Check out for a lot more Capstone advice. In the public forums, there is a thread called "General Discussion". Click on it to open it. The "sticky" thread at the top of the list is called "Capstone Recommendations". Click on it to read some more advice. Remember that everything posted as advice is advice and not the gospel truth that applies to and is best for everyone; your mileage may vary. Check out the other public forums on for other useful information. And check out professor reviews within the database sections of a number of SCU MBA Yahoo!Groups (such as the Life Long Network, Women In Business, and the FinanceConnection), as well as on SCU's internal web site. For a list of SCU MBA Yahoo! Groups, see Good luck!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Venture Capital
- LinkedIn Venture Capital Yahoo! Group (requires a Yahoo! ID and a LinkedIn profile)
- Global Capital Access Club on Ecademy (requires registration in Ecademy)
While I am not interested in venture capital at this time, I know many of my fellow SCU MBA alumni are and thought they might find these resources useful.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Vault College & Graduate School Survey
For those who are already in school or are alumni of a school, fill in the Vault College & Graduate School Survey for a chance to win a $250 prize for the month's best entry, and to share with potential future students what your opinion of the university is.
You can fill out a Vault Employer Survey to have a chance at another $250.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Seth Levine's Networking 101
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Recommendations for Men's Suits, Ties, and Shoes
Does anyone have recommendations for where to buy suits, ties, and shoes
that look professional and sharp without being trendy (i.e. will not look dated
in a year)?
I'd like to buy some suits, ties, and shoes that would be appropriate for business meetings, interviews, public events for non-profit organizations, weddings, etc.
Currently I'm a Senior Applications Manager. Knowing that the old saying is that one should dress for the next level, for me that means I should dress like a Director.
Any advice would be appreciated. The business suits, ties, and shoes I have now are from the early '90's, and are looking a bit ragged and dated!
Here is a summary of the responses to my request. Thanks to everyone who responded from the email lists (Naglee Park neighborhood, SCU Life LongNetwork, and Bay Area MBA).
After receiving the responses, I went to Brooks Brothers, Nordstroms, Men's Warehouse, Florsheim, and Johnston & Murphy's for shoes. None of the shoes compared in comfort to the shoes I tried on at Johnston& Murphy's, so I picked up a pair of shoes there. While expensive, I'm told they last a long time, and can be refurbished by the factory to near new condition when needed.
My dad got me a graduation gift certificate for a suit at Men'sWearhouse so I picked up a suit and a couple of shirts and ties in time for my graduation ceremony. I still need to go shopping for more suits, shirts, and ties, and will make good use ofthe recommendations below while shopping.
Here is the advice I received:
Eli Thomas at Santana provides expert service, though their prices can be high.
Nordstrom's is usually a good bet!
Burlington coat factory at the Great Mall in Milpitas has really good stuff that's classic and never goes outta style..try em.
Brooks Brothers is a safe bet.
I would recommend visiting the Mens Warehouse located at Winchester and Stevens Creek Blvd. They have a nice selection of suits, shirts, and ties that complement each other very nicely. The sales staff (I think his name was Rick) was very helpful in putting together a combination for me that could be interchanged and varied. I walkedout with about 10 different "outfits" even though I only purchased 2 suits, 4 or 5 shirts and about 4 ties. The pricing was pretty reasonable for everything I got.
i would also recommend Macy's when they have their sales with buy oneget one half off. Go to the one in stanford shopping center and the staff will help you shop around for outfits also. Valley Fair one ithink you have to ask for assistance, but they are more than willing once you ask.
Hi Rick - as someone who interviews a lot of execs and attends many public non-profit events, I'd recommend Men's Wearhouse, a navy suit with a jacket that can double as a blazer when paired with grey or tan slacks. Many interviews nowadays are in business casual, even at the exec level. With 3 pieces, you could do a first interview in the suit, and then use the jacket with a more casual look for subsequent interviews, if that matches the company culture. Men's Wearhouse does lifetime alterations for free (I think), which is nice. Otherwise you could try Brook's Brothers at the Stanford Mall, which is where I took my husband for outfitting for the same purposes. Good luck!
Go with your partner and make it a day-long event.
Find the *best* dressed, older salesguy you can find, and have him select the stuff that will fit your body shape and job requirements.
I highly recommend Eli's at Santana Row for suits. I wear suits almost every day of the week and expect them to not only stay in style, but last. I suggest making an appointment with Eli Jr. and give him your sizes in advance. His service is superb. You might think their prices are high, but cheap suits wear out fast and need to be replaced sooner. It's worth buying quality. Shirts are less expensive and can be replaced a lot sooner.But, I would look to other shops for ties and shirts. They tend to be a bit pricey at Eli's. You can find some good quality ties at Macy's if you find a salesperson with good knowledge. I've been searching for years for the best shoes - but I have bad feet. So I'm no help in that department. Price would be no matter to me if they looked goodand did not hurt at the end of the day. BTW - I have bought some decent suits at Macy's and Nordstorm's on sale, but I usually have to have them adjusted by better tailors. So, this is a cheaper alternative if you have a good tailor. Hope this info helps.
Oh my god, have you ever hit upon a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Clothes make the man! I wrote an essay for you:
I would suggest Nordstrom. They're just about to have a big sale, too. They're helpful without being pushy, and seem to be much more knowledgeable than someone you might find at Macys. However, I've found thatMacys Men's at Stanford is much better than at Valley Fair. Just tell the salesperson exactly what you said below, along with your budget, and you should be able to find something. And not to sound ageist, but don't go with a sales rep who's in his/her teens.
My suggestion would be to buy a nice suit in navy or black, and then a sportcoat or two (depending upon how many dressy events you plan to attend) in navy or possibly a dark houndstooth or other smallish and subtle pattern. A sport coat (no tie; you can pull it off with a dressier, coordinated polo shirt underneath, particularly if you're going for the high-tech sales rep look) looks great at work, particularly if you're doing the "dress for the job you want" thing.
For shoes, again I'd say Nordstrom but there are also various other shops in Valley Fair. You'll need black for more formal business (and weddings), but you can do brown with a sport coat, I think, and choose leather soles, not crepe or rubber. You'll have to spend a decent chunk of change for a nice pair, probably $250+, but if you take care of them (Nordstrom has a shoeshine guy right next to men'sshoes; I think it's $3/pair) they last for a longtime, and people really do notice nice shoes. Or maybe it's just me who notices nice shoes and I'm actually really shallow? No white socks.
Ties you can pick up wherever. Nordstrom has a nice selection but they tend to be on the expensive side. Macys is fine. Bring the shirts you're most likely to wear; that way you can be sure everything coordinates. A small geometric pattern (no whales or anything cutesy) is always nice, and they must be silk. A solid color also looks quite nice in a heavier fabric. No polyester.
O.k., over and out. Hope you made it all the way through...
I had bought a suit for ~$650 from Banana Republic. Compared to Men's Wearhouse for comparable quality, I found Banana Republic's was better priced.
Men's Warehouse provides discounts for Santa Clara [University] students (or at least did when I last purchased a suit there)...
Go to Brooks Brothers. They are having a huge sale this week at Santana Row, 40% off, their stuff is always in style and very professional.
I think Moshers ( a Mens clothing store) located on the Paseo de San Antonio in the Fairmont Hotel (don't let that scare you, his prices are very good) does a terrific job and he will be very helpful on the "what to wear how to tie it" service of a professional clothier for many years. If he doesn't have what you want in stock he orders it…and is a local owned San Jose business to boot…Good Luck,
I am not sure what your price range is, but my husband had a similar dilema when he started his new job. He needed a good suit and then several shirts and ties and slacks that he could wear every day. He now shops almost exclusively at Nordstroms for his suits and ties. The trick is to wait for the men's half yearly sale, which I believe happens in July or August. My husband goes once a year, stocks up and never has to face the dreaded shopping experience for another year. If you can hold off for a few months, that is what I would recommend. You get some really nice clothes for much reduced prices.
Nordstrom's has pretty nice business attire. Some of their stuff is a bit trendy, but they also have a good selection of classic, timeless stuff.
If you check them out, a good friend of mine works there in Men's Suits. His name is David Khoung. Let him know that Yu-Chen sent you and he'll take care of you. He's an excellent guy and will help you pick out something appropriate. If you'd like, let me know, and I can also put you directly in touch with him or have him contact you.
I buy my suits from Patrick James. The nearest location is Palo Alto.
They have a range of prices and styles. If you tell the salesmen your budget and style preference, they'll set you up nicely. The store caters to classic styles.
Men's Wearhouse has it all. My husband would rather have bamboo shoots under his fingernails than shop and he had a great experience. He went to the one on Stevens CreekBlvd. near Valley Fair mall. Service is wonderful and selection is excellent.
I recommend The Men's Wearhouse. I took my husband Tom to the one in Mountain View several years ago for a suit to wear to a wedding, and he has since worn it to several weddings, funerals, and social events.The salesman there (a gentleman in his 50's) was knowledgeable and made great recommendations. Tom also ended up with a couple shirts and ties, belt, tweed sports jacket, and sweater. (I should mention thatTom doesn't like wearing socks or shoes in the summertime, let alone suits and dress shoes.) I can't remember if they carry shoes but would expect them to give you a good recommendation if they don't. I'd like to think our experience wasn't an anomaly and that you'd get the same service from any store in the chain. You can find locations on thewebsite:
Try Brooks Brothers (Stanford Mall and Santana Row (I think)).Their suits are good quality, they will help you put together outfits, do tailoring and stuff like that. I try to get my husband to buy things there all of the time... but he's a casual guy.
Some good advice for longevity of style: as for the suits just stay with the basics and standards, colors like black, navy, a simple pinstripe for example. Go wild with the ties and shirts, as they can be changed, but the suits can't.
To look sharp but still stay casual, pair some khaki pants with a navy blue blazer and white shirt-- a classic look.
You should also avoid double-breasted suits. They are so trendy and icky! Stick with the classic 2 or 3 button jackets and flat-front pants. These are the most flattering (a matter of personal opinion).
Nice to hear form you. Congratulations on your graduation. As part of my job, I am expected to buy business clothing every now and then. The best place I have found is the men's section in Valley Fair mall.It has got a huge variety and selection across a very large price range. Probably you already know this. Good luck and stay in touch. Thanks.
Even though the commercials are annoying, Mens Wearhouse does do a really good job. They usually lay out everything for you with several ideas. Plus, once you tailor it there, they will always fix or adjust it. They press your suit for free also.
My husband shops at Nordstrom. They have a wide variety of brands and prices. They even carry their own label with is pretty good qualityand reasonable in price. He has had many items from them for years.They also have a half-yearly sale where you can save a lot of money. If you call them, or stop by, they will tell you when that sale is.
Another option is the Nordstrom Rack in Westgate Mall. He finds a lot of deals there for high end brands. He is a director and the cloths he finds there seem to be just fine. Of course, he doesn't do ties but I think all of his suits have come from Nordstroms. Right now, for his company, he sticks to dress slacks or khaki style with dressshirts. And Nordstrom and N. Rack have served him well.
Eli Thomas at Santana Row is the best in the area. Not cheap, but very good stuff and they'll give you all kinds of help. Ask for Jim or Bart; they have great style sense.
For suits, Mens Wearhouse. Great selection - and a lot of traditional styles. Not trendy at all. Macy's has a great selection of ties. And I'd try Florsheim and Johnson & Murphy at Valley Fair for shoes. Warning: dress shoes are expensive.
Eli Thomas has wonderful suits, but they are spendy at least upfront. It's a full service place, so years later, you can still get tailoring for free . Get two good suit pants and jackets there to mixand match. Then spend much less at Macy's or even the men's wearhouse for the accessories, the shirts, belts and ties. These days ties are anything goes so get what you like. jerry Garcia ties are a favorite of mine. Check they are 100% silk and hand stitched in the back. Shirts, also a wide variety of colors. White always a staple,but check your office to see if tangerine, blue, sage, or even red are ok. Chances are they're fine. Just make sure the ties you like coordinate with the shirts you like. Shoes, Allen Edmonds. Great style and last forever. Nordstrom has them usually. Macy's shoes, Jeff complains about them regularly. For grey or black or navy blue pants, get black shoes. For tan, brown, khaki, olive, dark brown shoes. Socks always match the pants. belts match the shoes. Unless you are Michael jackson.
Also don't be afraid to pair the suit and pants jackets with separate pants etc. A black jacket over tan khakis looks great, Get the separates at a cheaper store than Eli Thomas, however.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
School and Study Tips
Thursday, July 14, 2005
MBA Application Essay Review Service
League of MBA Bloggers
Right now, my personal blog is listed on the League of MBA Bloggers blog, listed under Santa Clara University. I'm the second entry listed for SCU, next to my friend the prolific blogger Kaleem Aziz. I'm going to submit a request to change the League's blog page to point to this blog instead of my personal blog.
I don't think I'll ever generate nearly as many entries as Kaleem, but I plan to share MBA-related content on occasion. If you're an MBA student or alumni and you maintain a blog that contains MBA related issues, you may want to submit your site to the League blog.